Why The End is One of The Most Important Parts

“I remember working rubbing alcohol into Emerson's blood stains.

I remember asking myself: 

‘How fucked up is it that washing blood out of her blankets feels normal?’

I remember the sun shining through her window.

I remember it was a good day for her.

I remember it was a good day.

Washing blood out of blankets.

It was a good day.”

Direct. Sincere. Emotional. Descriptive.

Creative Storytelling in Marketing HAS to be moving.

If you’re not moving your audience to feel an emotion or to take an action, then you’re not marketing. You’re just writing.

And writing is great, don’t get me wrong, but if we have a goal in mind, to sell, then your writing has to be tailored to that goal.

The goal in my quote above wasn’t to sell anything. It was to shine a ray of sunshine onto a very dark aspect of having a terminally ill infant in the Neonatal ICU.

With my words, you start to visualize your own hands working rubbing alcohol into the fibers of baby blankets.

You start to think about how my ‘normal’ was absolutely anything but.

You can feel the stress. You can hear the anger.

You can see the sunshine. And you can feel the hope.

Not only did I end my story in this way, I also let a very deep and emotional story end on a positive note.


I talked about sunshine.

I talked about my sweet Emmi having a good day.

And because it was so for her, so it was for me.

Washing blood out of blankets isn’t my favorite pastime. But I was happy to do it for her.

Happy to care for the most beautiful girl in the world.

Happy to watch her nap while I worked.

Incorporating emotion into your marketing storytelling strategy is the fastest way to relate to your audience.

And it builds a very strong bond between you, your brand, and them.

They become invested in the story you’re telling.

Once you learn how to get your audience hanging on your every word, you can start to end your stories with cliffhangers.

You can start incorporating open-ended statements.

You can start making your audience think about what you just said – And if you do it well enough, they’ll be thinking about your story for DAYS.

And they’ll keep coming back for more.

That's Why The End is One of The Most Important Parts - it gets your audience hooked.


The Path to Success: How to Navigate the Customer Journey